So I have been everywhere but on livejournal lately. My summer schedule is terribly chaotic because I tend to work all odd shifts at work (usually graveyard or very early mornings) and I also travel a whole lot. But classes start for me on Monday and things should be falling back into their normal patterns (read: me wasting all of my time on livejournal because I'm procrastinating X paper or Y lab or Z assignment).
I've missed a whole lot of you very, very much. Even though that sounds soppy and silly. And I hope you've all been well c: I'd love to hear about what you've been up to or what you wish you'd been up to. Or just picspam me with kittens and dolphins. Or play FMK. Actually, that would be fun. I kinda hope someone does that one.
Also, have a meme because
postcardmystery tagged me in an oblique sort of way. And I haven't done one of these for a while. So.
What song are you currently addicted to?
skjjsdkf. Every song ever at all ever by
Dead Man's Bones. A friend described them as Bauhaus meets Edward Gorey in church and it's probably the most apt summation possible. I was so dubious about them at first because they've got that whole actor-turned-frontman thing going on that usually sucks ass, but oh. Oh oh oh.
I mean,
just fucking listen.
I cannot wait for studio versions of some of these.
What's your favorite season?
Cardigans and corduroys. Hot cocoa and handholding. Crisp air. And the first bit of school when you’re still pretty excited and you’re not yet burned out and pissed off and made of caffeine pills and cigarette smoke.
What's the latest movie you watched?
In theatre: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was meh.
At home: Either Lost Highway which was batshit (and expectedly so) or Let the Right One In because I’ve just finished re-reading the book for the 832098230948236798th time.
I want to watch Lolita again, too. The one with Jeremy Irons.
What is the one skill you wish you had?
To be able to be a functional human being without having to schedule every last thing (including meals and what they should consist of) so that I don’t forget and put them off. I get so wrapped up in anything else that I’m doing - writing, reading, cleaning, what have you - that I end up doing things like forgetting to eat all day or not sleeping for an age (which is partially insomnia but whatever). I have no concept of the passage of time. I’d like one.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Fandom: Inception. Oh. No one saw that one coming, did they? And
others. Always
Ray Caesar and
Dr. Lakra.
Addiction: Specialty teas. Flannel shirts. I have a million and I love them. They’re like my instant 90’s grunge nostalgia fix. I dress like a very, very bland version of Kurt Cobain. In stilettos and red lipstick. And usually a pair of lacy or textured tights under my shredded pants because goddamn, it gets chilly.
What's your favorite board game?
Beer pong
Um. Hm. I’m really partial to card games.
What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
School e-mail, regular e-mail, Hanna,
Tumblr, Livejournal,
Pandora Radio, The Daily, and (I don't even know how ashamed of this I should be, but)
What was the last thing you bought?
School books. And how. And fucking how.
But other than that bit of overpriced unpleasantness, double- and triple-finger rings. Mmm.
Old Navy corduroys. Another plaid flannel shirt (pale red on cream). And a new pair of equestrian boots.
If you win 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Two words: student loans.
Five things you can't live without
1.) My dad. He’s pretty much my hero. Actually, my whole family. Ahhhh.
2.) Oh god this is so soppy and cliché, but my boyfriend. Seriously.
3.) The internet. It gives me
cupcake recipes and
porn. I love everyone on it. Even the assholes.
4.) Books. Legit, I live in books.
5.) Quiet mornings. The only thing helping me keep my tenuous grip on sanity sometimes lolol
Yup. I cheated on the five things thing probably. Oh well.