You’ve blown in from some strange corner of the internet, haven’t you?
Sit down and stay a while. The tea’s still hot and the chairs aren’t too decrepit.
If you’re here for fanfiction, check the
masterlist or root through the
tags (admittedly the least convenient/organized way to get what you want, but whatever lifts your luggage, man)
This LJ consists of the following:
CAPSLOCK, fanfiction, and (probably mostly) me being a whinyass bitch. I know the last of this list is lame. It’s just. Ugh. Isn’t that what the internet’s for? No. Okay. Well it’s for that and porn. And
pictures of baby animals. Whatever.
Someday I’ll put something informative here. Today is not that day. Tomorrow? Not looking too good.
But if there's something you want to know,
ask. I assure you, I don't mind
talking about myself and I won't bite unless you ask nicely.