Mar 14, 2005 16:41
our show saturday sucked. sucked sucked sucked times a million...but that's just me...i'm over it. here i am trying to work on my annotated bibliography for rhetoric and i'm so tired i can't concentrate. OI. I got a 74 on my german test, i have a psych test in a few weeks i believe, i met w/ my advisor...which really helped. I like her..she's really nice, and i hung out with vicki on friday which was prolly the biggest coolies of my "spring break".
My schedule for the following week;
MONDAY: Email Professor skomski my works cited page for my shitty paper i turned in this morning, work on annotated bibliography
TUESDAY: Work 9-2, karate till whenever it ends, aka practice 6-8:30, POSSIBLY do more research for this damn research paper.
WEDNESDAY: School till 5:17, research till god knows when
THURSDAY: Work 9-2, karate till whenever, and no idea after that
FRIDAY: School till 1:07, language lab for an hour, research, laundry for next day
SATURDAY: Guard practice/competition..competition at least in lakeland...if you want to come ur more than welcome's our last competition before states...this will last all day
SUNDAY: Research, clean house *something rachel and i established for every sunday* and finish other homework
Watch..about half of the things on this list i won't follow through with...i can't believe i haven't gotten mono yet....sorry lisa.