Or I really used to love him; I sure hope that's it.

Jun 15, 2008 09:22

Ahhh, nothing like a meme to stave off the moment of boredom before when you have to leave for work that really isn't long enough for doing much else!

1. First Name: Laura

2. Age: 24 (and still alive!)

3. Location: Traverse City, Michigan, after 22 years in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Hooray!

4. Occupation: WRITER. Although my money currently comes from being a barista. Which I am a total dork about being able to say.

5. Partner: Entering the estate of monogamy with one Brian James Cooper (cruormagus) next summer. Which is...weird. But still pretty awesome.

6. Kids: One Brian James Cooper. Har har.

7. Brothers/Sisters: I have two brothers, one older, one younger. Frank's a police officer in Canton, with a wife and two kids. Paul works at the Hall of Justice in Lansing. The Hall of Justice. NO JOKE. I also have a step-sister, also married with two kids, who I don't see often. She lives in Hollywood, Florida.

8. Pets: One Brian James Coo-- Okay, yeah, sorry, joke's getting old. ;)

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

a) The impending marriage is probably definitely the biggest thing, although Brian and I want some small and relatively no fuss. My family is going to drive me crazy with their constant asking of details that I don't even want to touch until at least December.

b) My writing. I finally finished Serpent in a Cage last year and am working on editing the crap out of it. I'm also really excited because I've been slowly picking at an entirely new book, with a different style than I usually write, that I'm very thrilled about, but a little squeamish about talking about too much.

c) House hunting. Brian and I are trying to find a reaaaaal place to live, scoping out a ton of houses here in Traverse and in Interlochen. I'm a dork and would love to live in Interlochen, but the distance to work is an issue there, woe. Still, there's a few options that are in the wings, but I'm getting impatient! Owning a house! Eeeeee!

d) August! halfnorn and lainey_chan will be visiting me for a little short of a week, and there will lots of booze and pillows and fancy restaurants and burning all my cash and it will be amazing!

10. Where and for what did you go to school? I went to Central Michigan University for five years to earn a Bachelor's of Arts in History and English (with a creative writing focus). I HAVE A DEGREE! That I do nothing with. Currently. Hopefully that writing thing will take off, but there's the chance of grad school in about three to five years.

11. Parents: My dad is currently running for drain commissoner in Isabella County. This will never cease to inspire the lulz. I think it's awesome. My mom and her husband are still separated, but she's doing pretty well with the whole situation. It's a bit harder for me to keep up with them now that I live two hours away.

12. Who are some of your closest friends? lainey_chan and halfnorn and I guess I'd have to say cruormagus, too. I love the three of them like piiiiiiiiiie, even if I realize that this list is just a big advertisement for the fact that Skylie needs to get out more.


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