Jul 19, 2009 13:22
Still alive, still being the best.
I did something awesome and moved to another country. Do you know why? Because I kick ass and felt like it. I even did it all legally.
So now I'm in a place eerily similar to Zaibach. It's raining and there is dilapidated factories all around. Sometimes when I am feeling particularly adventurous I bust through the plywood covering up the windows and go explore.
You can find some real cool shit in places like that.
I broke a wine glass last night. Do you know when something drops from your hand, or when you jump, suddenly time slows? I always think, 'Man, it'd be an awesome idea to catch that,' but then I don't. Just proves the brain always moves faster than the body.
There is a fucking bit of toast in my tea. I need to decapitate whomever is responsible.