
Sep 14, 2007 23:49

Funny. I just got a rejection notification for the following entry from the mod of dir_en_grey


My French skills are a bit rusty, but you'll get the idea.

Du rififi chez Tommy Dynamite

Trois personnes de la société ASATSU-DK, dont le producteur TOMMY DYNAMITE, manager de Dir en Grey, sont soupçonnés d'avoir détourné la modique somme de 320 millions de yen.
Ils ont été entendus par les services de Police. Deux employés ont avoué et acceptent les charges, mais le Président de Freewill, Tommy Dynamite (Tomioka Yutaka), quant à lui a farouchement nié. Il semblerait que ce détournement de fonds par ces trois individus aurait eu lieu en 2001.
La police, en tout les cas, continue son enquête.

Aufruhr bei Tommy Dynamite

Drei Leute der Gemeinschaft ASATSU-DK, darunter Produzent TOMMY DYNAMITE, manager von Dir en grey, sind verdächtigt die bescheidene Summe von 320 Millionen Yen unterschlagen zu haben.
Sie sind von der Polizei vernommen worden. Zwei Mitarbeiter haben ausgepackt und die Beschuldigungen angenommen, der Präsident von Free Will, Tommy Dynmite (Tomioka Yutaka), hat diesbezüglich jedoch vehement abgestritten. Es scheint, als habe diese Fondunterschlagung durch diese drei Personen seinen Urprung in 2001
Die Polizei ermittelt weiter im gesamten Fall.

A riff at Tommy Dynamite's

Three people of the society ASATSU-DK, among them producer TOMMY DNYMITE, manager of Dir en grey, are suspected to have embezzled the humble sum of 320 million Yen. They've been interrogated by the police services. Two employees confessed and accepted the charges, but the president of Free Will, Tommy Dynamite (Tomioka Yutaka), has vehemently denied the charges. It seems that this embezzlement of fonds through these three people roots back in 2001.
Police keeps investigating this case.

Source: JaMe France

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The rejection reason:

It's true, I just would like to keep it out of here for a bit to prevent wank. x_x I hope you understand!


Interesting for what reason stuff gets rejected over there. Good thing I didn't translate that article primarily for that community. That would've been pretty annoying.


EDIT: People in Japan say that ticket sales for Dir en grey there have been temporarily suspended. That's the only source I have, though.

And phantasmagoria's (probably better) info is here.

EDIT 2: Please refer to phantasmagoria's journal for better reference. As always, JaME has a tendency to get things very wrong.
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