My dad says I'm an average student. My dad also doesn't know what subjects I'm taking.

Aug 26, 2008 17:26

Robyn said that I should write a paragraph everyday about something not Japanese since I need to get my English skills top notch level. Well, actually I told her to tutor me. This is her ingenious idea (where she has to do nothing).

My topic today shall be something that I've met and it's moved in with me but it stays on its side of the apartment and I stay on mine. Today's topic is loneliness. They way I arrived at this topic was by a little quiz that told me I had a "Lonely Heart" and that it was the most difficult to understand because of its contrasting qualities and overall "emoness". Yes, it is true. I'm emo. I don't show it though. I would hate to show it. But this is what loneliness is! When one has no one there to be weak in front. When there is no one there to comfort. No one there to shower you with love because they just simply wanted to. Loneliness is hugging someone but thinking of someone else. Loneliness is the coldness in the hand that should be warm. Loneliness is your heart crying for protection its never known or doesn't know anymore. Simply being alone does not cause loneliness, but it highlights it. It highlights it in an unbearable and you wish to take cover in the surface relationships and the instant consolation that fades just as easily as yesteday's memories, and the day before that. So ye lonely hearts, I bid thee good tidings in the time to come for it shall be a great woe on humanity if they shall forsake us so easily.

Good bye and good night.

That's enough right? I even rhymed.

My results for CXC came out today. CXC would the nastily exhausting, pointless exam required to enter into college here in the lovely Caribbean. Please smell the sacrasm, here.

Grading is messed up too. Your grading against the other takers. That is that, say you got 90%, but severval persons got 100%, than you will be giving a lessor score.
You can get a (from highest to lowest) 1,2, 3,4,5,6 and ungraded or absent.

My scores were

History- 3 <- expected. I hate it. I can't sit there a memorized a bunch of stuff I don't care about in the least!
English A- 2 <- wtf. No idea. I should get a 1. But I didn't, hence the tutoring.
English B- 3 <- this would be English Literature. Same thing as above. I studied hard so I can only blame it on my poor English skills
Information Technology- 1 <- yay! It was easy for me, its computers
Mathematics- 1 <- I'm the proudest of this grade. Not a lot of people get 1's in Math! As i thought, I'm a math nerd! :)
Music- 2 <- yep yep, the performance part of the exam brought me down. I get nervous and clumsy.
Spanish- 3 < -- omg i passed! Spanish is hard. Really hard. And I don't like it! So I'm just glad I passed!
Visual Arts- 4 <-- GAH. I knew I sucked at Art but no one was telling me loud enough. lol. I deserve this, nothing could have been done about it.

All in all I think I did fine! Pretty good, compared. I just can't get over my English scores. But its not something where I can say "oh i should have studied harder" or something. It was just a reflection of how bad everyone in school is at English, cause I was getting good grades yo. Lol, my teacher was the most dreadfull incapable baby-making machine that called herself a teacher. She herself got a 2 in English. FAIL. *Sigh*

My parents didn't say anything helpful. My dad, who pays no attention to my school life was all "You did ok, nothing fantastic"
Urm, thank you. You totally just scarred me for life, I hope you enjoy that acomplishment.

My mom didn't say anything about how I did. She was counting scores, "So you got two 1s..." yadayada.
Well, of course, what would you know about it to make an actual comment.

Never in my life have my parents ever said they're proud of me. It doesn't bother me unless they start talking about how bad I am. I believe that if you can't say something good, than you have no right to say anything bad. But there are parents, defying my standards and getting away it is there job.

Of course I'm still bitter about ..the thing! I can't even say it for fear of becoming a giant ball of weepingness.
i can't think about it either! We are moving on.

Ahh, Maru's birthday soon. What shall I do for his post.? Hm...
I can't even think about Ueda's. Can a livejournal post ever convery how much I truly love him and wish for his happiness?
No, it can't. I wouldn't know where to start..
Plus, its weird because its my birthday too!!
And then its Bun's right after *faints*
And then couple days later Ito's

Oh the heart test thing

Your result for The Heart Test...
Lonely Heart

You are 30% Independent, 30% Idealistic, 70% Intimate, and 70% Indulgent!

The Lonely Heart

Dependent, Realistic, Intimate, Indulgent

You are the most misunderstood of hearts, the Lonely Heart. Your desire for love and your want of harmony and intimacy are all very loving qualities. At the same time you are very down-to-earth, which may present a more cold or hard demeanor than you actually possess. Your qualities are all of the quieter types, so you may be shy, leading to difficulties in love, which is hard for you, being so caring as you are. You want love, but your realistic nature may work against these more idealistic desires.

Matches for the Lonely Heart:

The Healers's Heart

The Healer's Heart is both realistic and values harmony, just as you do. The Healer is more passionate than you are, but you can appreciate this quality. The Healer in independent, and while you may wish them to dote on you more, you can can appreciate their self-sufficiency. The Healer will always be there for you when you are down, and you will find that they make a wonderful match.

The Patron Saint's Heart

The Patron Saint is, like you, dependent, realistic and values harmony. The Patron Saint will understand your more down-to-earth views as wells as your need for love and want for unity in a relationship. The Patron Saint is more passionate than you are, and this is something you can definitely appreciate. The Patron Saint's protective nature will leave your lonely heart feeling loved, and you will appreciate them watching over you, as well as the fact that they seem to understand you well.

Your exact opposite is The Lively Heart.

Avoid Explicits if you can. You need love and the feeling of being loved, and an Explicit may not understand or appreciate this, leading to conflict. Idealists may also be difficult to get along with if you are stubborn. But if you can adapt and appreciate their ways of thinking, a relationship with an Idealist can work.
Take The Heart Test at HelloQuizzy

And then this cause it made me all "doki doki"

Kame *yawn, seen his skinny body way too many times to be moved* and TAMAMORI. Yum. ^-^

Diptz deshita

now how do I tag this thing...

ueda tatsuya, johnny's juniors

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