I've been wondering for a while now - where did all the wards come from?
In HP fanfic, one sees a lot of wards. They're preferably used as defences for larger areas, buildings etc. No. 4 Privet Drive and Hogwarts have been protected by wards in many a fic, in early and widespread ones like After the End (where they're turn up for the first time in
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Jack for evidence or thinking through the mechanics of it; it's one of the more insidious cases of fanon, but can get pretty obnoxious (IMO) pretty fast.
He, he...That's exactly what I meant. It was actually thanks to rather a rabid plotbunny (a heavily warded one) that I started thinking about it at all.
Tolkienesque elves
Large and humanoid fairies or ANY concept of 'the fae' (please, no)
Magic that varies in effects by blood status (SO uncanonical and anti-theme)
Wiccan-esque magic, pseudo- or not
Elemental magic
Grand Ceremonial Magic
Superhuman abilities of werewolves (senses, thinking like a wolf, etc.)
None of it is there...
(off the soapbox)
*hurries back to her sheltered life*
I am long past the point at which fic can scar me. Now, I just chuckle, roll my eyes, and hit 'back'. With the occasional "Ewwwww...".
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