An Overjoyed Fine Farewell

Sep 04, 2012 22:45

something in me is attached to this darn journal. Like a friend it has seen me through the highs and lows of teenage years. Through some college too. But alas as my life draws into a new chapter... it is time to say goodbye. (plus no one uses this... ever)

School (finally) is drawing to a close. This is the second week of my final year.
I have been much better at taking care of my health.
I'm living without roommates! Yay
I have some opportunities to help design some CF related medical equipment, which is so cool!
My first design is being produced, ok that's the most exciting news ever! (I should get back to working on that shortly)
I take back that last part about most exciting news...

For three years I have had some of the best memories shared with my best friend and so much more!
One year from now I'll be Jake's wife! =) I'm the happiest bride to be in the world!
(and the most crunched for time! Yikes!) There is no one else I could imagine spending my life with, I simply can not wait!

By this time next year I'll have a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Industrial Design, hopefully a design job, and a new last name! Plus I'll get to wake up every day to see my Jake before work! <3 That, will be the best thing of all.

And all my thanks, and all the glory, for all He has done and continues to do... be to God!


God bless,
