Jan 02, 2006 14:27
To explain the drawing in my last post.
Most of you know the people I'm talking about in this post, but I'm going to identify them as they come up anyway.
My boyfriend, Mike, who I have been dating for ELEVEN MONTHS. Was over at my house. Like always. xD So. We were sitting in my room, with my twelve year old sister, Trouble. And we were all playing the new Neopets game on PS2. Pokie, my cousin, her 'pawpaw' as we call him, came down to my house to eat with us. He looked in my room, and saw Mike and me laying in my bed, just cuddled up, watching my little sister (WHO WAS IN THE FREAKING ROOM WITH US) play the game. No harm done, right? Well. He goes home, and tells Pokie's mom and dad that Mike and I were like all up on each other in my room and I'm gonna end up pregnate and how my parents don't watch me...
And Pokie's mom told her she was never, ever allowed to spend the night with me anymore.
All because I was in my room, cuddled up with my boyfriend, playing a video game with my little sister.
You can't tell me thats not lame.
Cause' it is. D:
And sure, Pokie and I get into our fair share of arguments, but I don't want her to never be able to come over again. o.O; Its just not right.