Just shut up and listen.
I had a bad day today. All because of a mother-fucking, ho-bag, trashy peice of trash, slut-nugget freshman whore prick.
-deep breath-
It happends to the best of us.
But, here is a picture to sum up my feelings for this no good, dirty, rotten, ugly, lame ass, trash whore.
Damn it. Damn her.
It is going to really pain me to hit a little pathetic, mouthy freshman whore with funny hair, but she gets what is coming to her.
And when I'm almost finished knocking all her teeth out so she can no longer BITE anyone, I'll drag her body into the woods to 'paint' the forest.
That is, right after I carve out her heart and make pretty pictures with her intrails then go cannible on her sorry ass.
-eye twitch-
No patience is in me and if you offend me I'm lifting you ten feet in the air (The putting you six freaking feet underground). I don't care who is there and who sees it. I've got nothing to hide. Not even this beast inside innocent little old Dippy.
I don't mean to mean but it's all I can be. It's just me. Today, anyway.
Sometimes I just feel like my father, I hate to be bothered. AND I HATE MY FATHER. So thats not good.
I'm grabbing my hair and I'm tearing it out.
This chick has been driving me crazy, I can't take it.
I'm racing, I'm pacing, I stand and I sit.
And RAHskaherkldnfklsdhihfn;dsklghdgtj vryt589to rihjgiffmk.
.....Thanks for reading I guess. I'll go back to drawing to get my anger out now.