1. What's your favorite monkey island game? Oh, MI1, hands down
2. What's your favorite monkey island song? The song in the woods on MI1
3. Who's your favorite monkey island character? I have a sick fondness for Stan...
4. What minor character were you most afraid to see not show up in a sequel? Hook of Hook Island... maaaaaaaan, he was the nuts! And he had a talking tattoo!!!
5. What was the most dissapointing moment in the monkey island series for you? The end of MI3
6. What is your favorite moment in the monkey island series? Guybrish's pants falling down after he digs up the grave in MI2
7. Does Guybrush actually have another pair of pants to leave things in? No, he's been lying to us all this time
8. What's your favorite swordfighting insult (land or sea)? It's the classic "You fight like a dairy farmer!" Ain't no insult on land or sea that can beat the sheer classiness of that one =)
9. How many fingers am I holding up? (if this is 2, then this is...) Four
10. How many stupid questions do you think I can type? More than this
11. Did you develop a deep profound fondness for captain crunch after you learned that guybrush enjoyed it? I've never encountered it, though I will keep an eye out when I'm next in the States
11a. Do you look for keys in each box of captain crunch you open?
11b. Have you ever actually found one? Ditto my last answer. Yarrr!
12. [insert your favorite monkey island quote. erm. quotes.]MI3, Lemonhead: "You fool! You've given cheese to a lactose intolerant volcano god!"