Don't want to not post.
I've been so tired the last couple days. It's been nuts.
pauliesdoll's wedding was Friday night. I was her "Wedding Gay", helping plan and execute everything. Took half days off work Wednesday and Thursday for the last minute planning and meetings, and the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, then the wedding stuff all day on Friday. Wedding was amazingly fun. Then, all us "kids" had an after-party at the hotel....until 5:30 AM. lol.... Very interesting. VERY. That's all I'll say about that. :) Went to bed around 6:30, then back to their hotel by 10 for breakfast with the crew. Then, back to bed.
Last night, I watched Night at the Museum and Blood Diamond with the parents. Not bad, kinda interesting. Leonardo's everchanging accent kinda got on my nerves, but I got over it.
Worked all day today.
There is NOTHING on TV right now. The Life & Death of Anna Nicole isn't really as interesting as I hoped it would be. Maybe it's just me. I think I'm kinda moody right now. Maybe I will watch a movie... Clue is my favorite nighttime movie. I am constantly putting it on when I go to bed. I'll either watch that, or Ocean's Eleven....maybe Pirates.... or Saw.
God, I'm in a weird weird mood. Sorry I'm blabbing.
Tomorrow: Gym, Tanning, Acupuncture, and the bringing the newlyweds to the airport for their Vegas honeymoon!