Title: This is the Weapon of a (Jedi) Knight
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Fandom: CSI
Characters: Nick and Greg (pre-slash)
Length: 200 (double drabble)
Spoilers: Not a one.
Summary: Nick gets in touch with his inner child. Greg just wants to touch Nick.
Warnings: None.
Icon: by
beelikej Author's note: I offered
lillyg a The Love drabble as a prize for commenting on every chapter of a fic I wrote across 3 different places (
WMTDB, here, and ff.net). She chose 'Knight' as a prompt and requested Greg and Nick falling in love. I failed on two counts: not being able to get them all the way in love and not being able to do anything at all in just the one drabble. Also, there was some research on gothic armour that went completely to waste. Hope you like it, Lily.
This is the Weapon of a (Jedi) Knight
They had collected all of the obvious evidence. The B&E had yielded little in terms of trace, but the French doors were coated in fingerprint powder and they had photographed every square inch of the place.
The lightsaber had fallen when Nick swung the son’s bedroom door open on his final pass through the house. He picked it up, grinning. Through the doorway, Greg watched him extend it; challenging an imaginary opponent to a duel.
Nick feinted and thrust forward with the plastic tip. Greg realised that not only was the lightsaber itself humming tinnily with sound, but Nick was making the familiar electronic swooshing noise as well.
Greg laughed and Nick’s head whipped round. “God, you’re adorable.”
And then the world stood still, because men don’t generally describe each other like that even when they’re behaving in a way that most focus groups would agree was adorable.
But Nick wasn’t staring at him in horror, or even confusion. In fact, if Greg had to describe the look on Nick’s face it would be a cross between surprise and pleasure.
Nick licked a bead of sweat off his lip. “Wanna get a drink after shift?”
Greg found his voice. “Sure.”