The Dream (1/1)

Jan 13, 2010 21:02

Title: The Dream
Fandom: BtVS/AtS
Rating: R
Word Count: ~540
Characters: Drusilla and Angelus
Summary: He visits her at her convent.
Warning: Angelus torments Drusilla. Intimations of violence, torment and general unpleasantness. Religious (specifically Catholic) imagery.
Author's note:  Written for still_grrr . Literary prompt: The Dream of the Rood (Unknown Author, 10th century) Prose translation by E.T. Donaldson. Electronic Old English text by Mary Rambaran-Olm

Listen, I will speak of the best of dreams. )

character: drusilla, theme: origins, meta: fic, fandom: btvs, fandom: ats, character: angelus, length: ficlet, theme: religion, theme: family of origin

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