Stumbling on the Fields of Praise (1/1)

Jan 05, 2010 01:46

Title: Stumbling on the Fields of Praise
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: PG
Length: ~740
Warning: Deals with religious issues.
Summary: "In Sunnydale, no one went to church. Which was kind of ironic, because there was so little that was truly bad in Huxley, Iowa and yet he could count the people who hadn’t gone to church on one hand."
Author's notes: Riley is the ( Read more... )

theme: origins, meta: fic, fandom: btvs, character: riley finn, length: ficlet, theme: religion, genre: angst, theme: family of origin

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Comments 7

a2zmom January 5 2010, 02:46:40 UTC
OK, after reading this at the pit of voles, I tracked you down and friended you. Apparently I've turned into a stalker in my dottage, hope that's all right.


dipenates January 5 2010, 03:17:03 UTC
Perfectly fabulous. I've friended you back. Thanks so much for the lovely review over at The Pit.

Riley is something of a sorbet between Angel and Spike, but I'm getting more interested in him as time goes on. I'm v. glad that he got his happy ending. (Comics notwithstanding, because I don't really read those.)


a2zmom January 5 2010, 03:23:39 UTC
Angel is by far my favorite, but Riley was a genuinely nice guy. And yes, I'm glad he did get a happy ending.


rebcake January 5 2010, 07:28:39 UTC
Very interesting. I can see why Riley would have been so angry with Buffy, if he was expecting her to take the place of faith (lowercase "f") in his life. Tall order. I think her very existence made him question so many of his assumptions, but I hadn't really considered this one, which might be the most crucial.


dipenates January 5 2010, 10:36:43 UTC
Thank you. I think that Sunnydale had to have been a really shattering experience for Riley. I liked his sense of duty, and of mission, but it was ultimately undermined by events. The Initiative went sour, and ever single way he had of explaining the world was challenged. Even the new version of reality that Buffy presented him was complicated by the fact that she'd had a relationship with a vampire, and ended up protecting another. Poor boy.


medjunkie December 15 2010, 17:53:06 UTC
I must admit to liking Riley, I think there were issues with how the show presented his character, and most people of course didn't like him coming after Angel.


dipenates December 15 2010, 21:59:30 UTC
There's definitely something to that.


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