Apr 20, 2012 21:58
I actually really like Royal Blue, even if people are sick of it and sometimes I don't like its behavior or how it's prone to chemical transformations.
Anyway, you know "Black Swan In North African Violets"?
3 mL Noodler's North African Violets (1:0)
8 drops Noodler's Heart of Darkness (1:0)
(I found out that if this gets thinned down, it acts really weird. Even if the separate inks are thinned before use. It doesn't seem to want to "get in the water" and if you spill it on a napkin, you'll see the water halo. Pretty frustrating.)
So anyway, you can do this with Royal Blue too!
3 mL Royal Blue (I used Pelikan 4001 Royal Blue)
8 drips Heart of Darkness (1:1)
And I've really warmed up to it! It behaves very well! Try it.
1 Royal Blue
1 Heart of Darkness (1:1)
- gets you a soft, obedient black.
ink mixes,
royal blue mixes