Hello all, sorry I have not been here of late. Beltane is hotting up and eating up my time like the fiery monster that it is. On that note, here are two announcements, and then I must away ~ I shall be back at some point soon, I promise.
Please join me and numerous happy hippies at the
* Beltane Masquerade Ceilidh
Sat 19th - Steiner School, 60 Spylaw Rd - 7pm till 1am
A collaboration between BFS and Edinburgh’s Ceilidh Collective. Music from the Cosmic Ceilidh Band and guest appearance from the Beastie drummers and the Forest Choir. Wear a mask to impress. Organic bar and raffle + MC Gandalf.
Tickets £10/£6.50 concession or advance (from Susie’s Diner) £9/£5
And if you've moaned about not being able to get a good view at Beltane, become a steward! There's more information
here and the perks are the best view ever, and a free pass to the club night after (which even us performers don't get!) to dance the night away with aforementioned beautiful people.