Interspersed between breaking up assorted parrot fights and frantically cleaning up shards of glass following an epic throw-down with the dishwasher wherein several glasses lost their lives (it's safe to say that there was no winner), I accomplished the following:
I hope I don't dazzle you all too much with all this glamour and excitement.
1. Upon realizing that every one of my five birds were thumbing their noses at their Zupreem pellets in favor of seeds and thieving from my plate, I decided to try to find them something new. After reading reviews, I chose Harrison's Organics, which is squarely in the category of ZOMGSPENDY. If I have to chew it up and regurgitate it into their mouths myself, they will eat every extruded pellet in the $44 5 lb. sack. If they don't, I'm going to wind up trying to salvage the purchase by mixing it in with my Chex in the morning, just you wait.
2. After sufficiently growing out the straight across bangs that made me look like the long-lost throwaway daughter of Dee Dee Ramone, I stalked the Mad Rad Hair community for fringe options that didn't resemble Donald Trump's matted fur crochet combover too much. Ultimately, I had these thicker, side-swept ones cut:
and most importantly...
3. I made these sugar cookies:
Since my attempts at tinting the dough a soft lilac resulted in what can only be described as anemically puce-colored cookies, I decided to try to distract from that tragedy with pretty, pretty unicorn princess glazes and sparkly sugars. When it doubt, throwing shiny shit on anything makes it all ok.