Jul 13, 2007 08:29
Some of you know I’ve been pretty sick lately. I’m now on the antibiotics, and they seem to be doing the trick, however slowly… When I get stressed, Ed gets stressed.
At about 1am this morning he began projectile vomiting his dinner (from 6pm). Everywhere. He was so constipated, that he couldn’t do anything but try, try, try…and nothing would come out. He was able to urinate just fine, which is a good sign (potentially no bladder crystals this time), but the fact that he’s backed up when I’ve been giving him constant fibre in his dinners is not a good sign.
This coupled with the fact I also found a shredded paper towel that normally isn’t shredded, and normally sits under my George Forman Grill to catch any random excess grease droplets from when I cook, half gone. That’s right. Half gone, as in…possibly half eaten by Ed.
That in itself does not bode well. I was up on the hour, cleaning up his vomit, until he could no longer vomit anything resembling food and/or bits of paper towel…and it became just water. Then just foam. He’d stressed himself to exhaustion, and couldn’t hop into the cat carrier at 7:30am, when I took him in. Unfortunately this is not his regular vet…
I just got off the phone with them, and they wanted to do $500 worth of tests, blood work, ex-rays, and a myriad of other things. I go through this EVERY time…and it always turns out to be $500 for nothing but constipation which two enemas and a brief stay at the kitty hospital cures. I managed to talk them down to just ex-ray, office visit + extended stay, fluids, and enemas. This way if anything is blocked up in him, they’ll at least find it on the ex-ray and I can figure out what to do about the lab work. So far I’m looking at $250-300, just for what I agreed to. The ex-rays alone were $100. They are going to call me later after those things have been done, to let me know what they find.
Thank gods today was pay day…not that I can afford anymore than the $250-300. (and there goes the buffer zone money I use for occasional outings, extra gas, dinners, etc…so those of you who are local, leave me off the invite list for the next few weeks, mmmkay?).