i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 03, 2008 20:35

I cannot tahan already ok....i really really really need to let this out....to whom yg may terase or tak suka if seseorg itu bercakap tentang org lain ...plz drag your cursor to your bucu kanan ...ha...nmpk kan huruf 'X' dlm kotak kecik tuh? yes....that red box...click that...it will eventually close this window.
Okayh...i went to a majlis (ha....stop agak2-ing which majlis ok...i tak mention pun...jgn terase) ....i was at first very happy happy one...until I was stressed out by this GIRL (ok..pembaca2 perempuan sila jgn nk terase yer sbb saya tak mention any namezzzzz pun) ....dr dulu lg i tak suke die nih just because the way she thinks about herself....ok puhleez la...........................!!! I once said (not once la...more than threee...oh oh...three . thriathelete...precis...ish...cool photo shoot....hope menjadik! mira!!!! call jeremy...cofirm kan the place plz! or gimme his number....i can call kan for u! ....hm k k out of the topic already)....urm I once said " i wont care how someone wanna act or how she/he wanna live her/his life as long as she/he wont kacau mine"  dgn kata2 lain2 " aku tak kesah ko nk jadik org yg mcm maner pun...nk ckp sana sini...nk kutuk2 , selagi ko tak kacau hidup aku , aku akan anggap ko cm kawan" ....BUT if u dah start kerek with your philosophy yg tak boleh kacau tuh and tunjuk kerek depan i....i will definately scratch your name off my friend's list (eventho i tk pnah close ngan u kan...) urghh...u spoiled my night the other day la k...pls la cermin dulu diri u tuh....go n get yourself a mirror!  dpn this group of ppl punyer la baik...than blakang2 totally another person! Plz ....dont simply judge ppl...and no....i repeat ...NO...your philosofy takleyh pakai k! cannot be used at all! and pls dont be such a bitch and be extremely sarcastic in front of me. Yes....u made it...your sarcasm got me....and i feel like slappiinggggg u!!!!!!!!!!! annoying giler la k your face! perasan bagus! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cant believe i cried coz of what you did..... not coz u made me sad or anything like dat...i cried coz i was so stressed that i couldnt slap your or hit you with a chair...!

hmm! i know i might read this entry and feel guilty or wish that i wont write it...but for now i feel good....if only i can slap you and just leave you with question marks all over your head! i hate you! i wont consider you as a friend anymore...i tak rase rugi pun since im not that close to u....never ever...so yeah...i hate you i hate you i hate you.

this is my first time feeling this way about someone I know....luckily she is not one of my good friends...so yeah!
I believe in karma......I hope whatever bad things tat she has done and still doing will haunt her back in near future or so...! seriously.....i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you r the first person i ever hate... and i dont like it...but yeah....i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps sorry for this emo-ish entry.....i really hate her u know... 
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