Fed President Calls For Break Up Of TBTF Banks..

Mar 23, 2012 20:30

Wow, I can hardly believe I'm reading this.  This is essentially an admission of the complete failure of the bailouts, and the vindication of what the entire Austrian school said all along, by a sitting President of the Federal Reserve Bank.  Is it backwards day?  Stunning.


In other Great, potentially country-saving news, it looks like Obama's chief fundraiser, one time contender for the Sec. of Treasury seat, and former JP Morgan President, might actually get brought to justice for the outright theft of over 2 billion dollars of US citizens money from their accounts (whaddya know, it turns out he does know where the money went).  One could hope!  This guy has to go to jail.


I think if I were Jon, or for that matter, Edith O'brian, the woman that turned in the "smoking gun", I'd put out a youtube video about how much I love life and would never, never commit suicide.  Just saying.
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