Dionysos is sunning himself today, lying flat on his back on the grass and playing with a daisy. He looks utterly at peace, utterly content with the world, beautiful and dark and young.
Alyosha is walking in the sun today, fully dressed except for his bare feet and shirt-sleeves, also at peace and content, looking every bit twenty -- and certainly blushing at the naked boy in the grass, but also smiling with fondness before he averts his eyes. "Hello, Bromios."
Dionysos offers him the flower--pleased to see Alyosha, getting to his knees on the grass. "Did you decide whether you are in love?" he asks, with slight irony (how can love be decided when it is so obviously felt?).
He bends down to take the flower, smiling. "Something else happened -- a confession slipped out of me just when I'd stopped trying to decide. It seems I'd been in love all along without resolving I was."
But that makes him blush again and deeper, this boy ungainly-thin but graceful with his whole body pressed against his -- he tries not to think of it. "You're right, of course, to call it divine ... there's something like a heavenly light in it, a heavenly light and an earthy beauty, and there's no contradiction in it at all ..."
Have a kiss, Alyosha; just the sort of affectionate kiss that you might receive from a friend, in Russia. "You say it well, very well--and the pleasure that we take with our lovers is as beautiful and full of light. The gods smile upon pleasure, and men were specially created to please and to be pleased." That's Dionysos's story, anyway, even if the rest of the gods would probably disagree emphatically.
A thorough shiver -- but he trusts himself with Dionysos, trusts implicitly, knowing there is nothing he can share with this strange boy that will not be approved of, so long as it is honest and speaks of joy. "He is very tender and patient with me, when I need patience and tenderness ... though when I am shy, he can tease and coax me from shyness, and when I am eager, he answers me in it and I can feel unashamed. Sometimes I think I could be pleased with only a kiss from him ... and sometimes we spend the whole night lying together. I don't know if he understands it himself, how good he has been for me."
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