Sep 29, 2003 18:28

Ya..>Resnet Shut off my internet due to a POSSIBLE VIRUS ON MY COMPUTER.....oh and then they didn't tell me till i made an appointment...i was on a "watch list" and so...the guy comes , turns on my internet..downloads some ad aware program...WHICH I ALREADY HAD...and then goes to V-scan my comp...and what do u know..NO VIRUS?....all CLEAN...yes...thank you..DUMBASSES! grr...neways :-D back to more positive NOTE

I made ARCHON of my PLEDGE CLASS! that's crazy responsibility...but i think I can handle it...I mean i have lots of time on my hands'd be a cool project to undertake :-D

There is 10 of us...and we're the T A U CLASS!
Ryan - Archon
Jordan - Vice Archon
Kirk - Chaplain
Alex - Warden
Justin - Secretary
Earle - Push/Fundraising Chair
Weston - Social Chair
Grant - Brotherhood
Jason - Tresurer
Mike - Historian

we got our Rush Shirts in too...and they look pimp...atleast on me :-p lmao...but ya...We'll get our Paddles in tomarrow ...some of us are headin' up to Berekely to pay the difference and pick them up...WE designed them fucking PIMP looking..i hope they turn out as well as we planned...Neways...Time to go..need some down time...i'm kinda TiRED...L8s
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