Just look what these creative folks have done! I am aglow with awe and love. The muses have been generous to us all. Plus, I pose a burning question: what kind of poetess is Kara Thrace?
*In case you missed it,
jcathm has taken up the banner of crackpoetry! You can find a wonderful Lee-to-Kara remix of Williams' "This is just to say" and more
here at her journal. She also has a “Lee Adama Wants YOU To Write Crackpoetry” icon available -- and more Blakesian crackpoetry is on its way! Hooray.
*Also, if you somehow didn't see it before, here's
grapefruitzzz’s version of
Yeats' "No Second Troy." Swoon! I make a woebegone Lee-pleading face at him and beg for more!
Now for the pretty pictures.
*The amazingly talented
wisteria_ created
La Belle Kara icons and made dreams come true. YAY!
*Then my dear friend
bitterlatinist slaved away and created some crackpoetry icons as well--she's brand new to icon making, but look what she can do!
More icons at her journal, including one of Kara in the process of writing a bitter limerick about Lee. (I know!)
Finally, brilliant and generous
hazyshade was inspired to make this La Belle Kara desktop picture, and has graciously allowed me to post and share it here: look! So ravishing! (Warning: clicking on it to view the larger version may induce jaw-dropping.)
Man, thanks so, so much, you guys. I don't know what to say. You are truly inspirational. Sniff.
So what's up next for me, crackpoetry-wise? Another Lee/Kara one--so atypical of me. But it's based off of Wyatt's sonnet "Whoso list to hunt," which he wrote about Anne Boleyn. Blame a four-in-the-morning procrastination-fit/burst of inspiration for that one. Perhaps it shall be ready by the week's end.
I'm also thinking of crackifying Donne's "Batter my heart, three-person'd God" for Gaius, though. Hehe. But I'm definitely on the lookout for a good Kara poem! You know our girl has a poetic soul, it's canon. So let's discuss: what kind of poetry would Kara write? Rimbaudesque ravings? Rebellious beat poetry? Secretly mushy and emo lyrics? Poems like Sylvia Path's? Dirty limericks? All of the above? I'd love to hear your theories!
And now, an appeal. Yes, friends, CRACKPOETRY NEEDS YOU. Won't you join us? Together we could make the crackiest best LJ community ever!
Or at least, we'll have a lot of fun.