Mar 26, 2011 00:14
Okie dokies! Hello earthlings!~ It's been such a long while since I actually penned here. It's been...idk, months? I am on attachment now and I guess I do have a lot of things to talk about.
First, my intern buddies! Okay initially I thought I could work with Rebecca one lo! But nope, I only saw her thrice so far! And for very short period! We only had lunch together on the first day of work! First day of work, we met at the entrance, went up together. Set in the meeting room and just chatted with each other. There was Rebecca, Crystal, KahYee and Kelvin! The 3 girls are doing financial accounting together so they're of different departments! Then their ICs brought them away. A senior who was in the room with us, chatted with us a little and gave us a brief description of our job scope and stuff. She then left. So left Kelvin and I in the room. A little awkward at first, cos we didn't know each other, but now I'm really glad! ^^ Cos he's really nice :)
Okay so one second day, a random senior walked in and handed us a slip, got us to go over to Marine Parade for a job. But wth, out for on job on second day?! That's a record, they usually let new staff stay in the room for at least a week before sending people out on jobs. But they're short of staff so oh well. Afterall, we're ultra cheap labour! So we went over and met three awesome seniors! T (SIC), C and E.
The next day, they sent Kelvin back so I was alone with the seniors and 2 new seniors, SH and J. They're nice too ^^
All in all, I'm having fun at this job! Sort of, but I wish it would end sooner too, it's super tiring! Anyhow, got back results, was pretty...uh, okay. GPA went up that tiny bit, and well, I did well for FIT and Tax so I'm happy! ^^ OH! And I got an A for FRENCH LOL. Anyhow only! Fun eh!
Brow threading tomorrow, I'm excited! My brows are horrendous, I need to be more consistent! LOL!
Anyhow time for bed!!!
Bon nuit, merci! Je t'aime!