Aug 19, 2003 18:48
Katy has shined a light on a new subject for me to uplift yalls spirits a lil. Man I kinda had this convo with Kev yesterday, and some grown ups are so stupid. Just because your younger and may not seem as wise doesnt mean you are not wise beyond your years. You can do anything you want as long s you live out your dreams and try to succeed. Dont let anyone bring you down. You can achieve it all and if nobody believes in you I do. I think each and every one of you all that are my friends have done so much for me and you are the best. I think you all diserve the best of what the world has to offer to you. If you have a dream you can achieve it. My mom once told me I couldnt play the drums and I was so mad and frusted because she had never came to ne of my practices to even hear me play. So I called her from the band room at school the next day and put her on speaker phone and started bangin away on the drums and i said now you tell me i cant play them. Guess what I got for christmas? A drum pad and a lessons certificate! I proved her wrong, and believe me I have never felt like I defeated her so well in a battle such as that one in itself.Right now Im in the battle to prove I can be smart and keep my grades up and be in a band and preform and be with my bf and make it last, I have a promise to him that I will help him get on honor roll too. He thinks he is stupid and believe me it would feel so good to see his face when he makes it on the honor roll. Its not only his goal but a goal for me to achieve the happiness I want him to have because I know in my heart that he can do it. Just like I know in my heart that we are not just dumb tennagers with every other day mood swings, I mean seriously, who doesnt? We are what we make ourselves and If everyone could just stick it out and be theyre dream...wouldnt it be such a happier place?