Jun 14, 2006 20:56
Dear Readers,
Tomorrow is my last final. I have no idea how I am going to do on this exam. I think that it will prove incredibly difficult just because of the breadth of subjects covered. Honestly, I cannot remember everything that we have covered in that class.
Also, there is a certain finality in packing up everything. I have to go home, and I am nervous about that.
My grandmother's political career is ending as well... and somehow I am speaking at her retirement dinner. I did not know this until today.
Today was the day for unpleasant discoveries. There seems to be an air of finality over everything - over leaving here for the summer, over taking finals, over speeches, over careers, over things I never even expected, or perhaps did not want to prepare myself to expect.
I am glad that I kept Rin's cup. I have a safe way to transport her home. Yes, that's right, she's still a spaz. I am really glad that she is my fish. I like watching her swim all over the place, attack bubbles, and do the various other things that fish tend to do.
I must remember to return the Phenomenology Reader tomorrow. That will probably be my final contact with an acquaintance, a senior that I am not going to see after she graduates.
Later everyone,
a day for dio,