Feb 15, 2006 11:35
I have decided on this winter day
To make a post so grand
That people will soon pay
Just to see my sebaceous gland
Okay that got really old, really fast, anyways. I decided i might as well post becasue i'm damn bored so here are saome highlights from the life of brandon you might have missed:
*Christmas (yeha its been that long)
*My Birthday (thanks for forgetting jerks (jk))
*Lots-o-Rocky and Moulin Rouge Live and such.
*REEFER MADNESS!!! (The movie musical and my own madness)
*The guy from the Jeffersons died (Not me but that guy was cool)
*Valentines Day (AMAZING!!!! I LOVE MELISSA!)
Also lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of work and school like you wouldn't beleive i could do.
Today me and Melisssa have decided to get super baked and go see a movie and eat chineese buffet cause were just fucking awesome and we didn't get to celebrate yesterday very much. But strtetching the holiday over the span of 3 days has been deff fun indeed. I love you Melie.
Well I don't know what else to say, i made a new icon today, i like it. SQUEE! is my hero, even if he is 10 and not real and his parents want him dead.
UMMM yeha , well i expect to be updating more and more often now so you jsut wait, there will be laughter, there will be tears, who knows maybe even some full frontal nudity (for the fellas, and maybe some for the ladies)of people who are not me.
~Seacrest Out~