Nov 16, 2005 00:51
So its another late night. Another night of watching Tivoed Simpsons episodes and talking to the lady I love most.And i've decided theres way too much to not not talk about things and double negatives don't count here.
First order of buisness, Emily though I may not fully understand your reason to leave drama I suppose it is supported but please just try to give it one more chance. I mean yes the hours are logn and memorizing line after line is frustrating, but think of all those peopel you wont get to hang out with or even see if you leave the drama family. Also no one has ever left the drama family alive (except that lil asian, silly lila).
Next, It is T-minus 4 days till Lee leaves our happy lil community and heads off to the cold dark forboding area of Minnesota. Just cause they own the Mall of America doesn't make them cool. Just cause your aunt is a stripper doesn't mean shes awesome. Damn you Lee, you will be missed, how can we ever go on without our Neo-Nazi with a Jew Friend, who are we kidding, alot of jew friends. I'll always remember the crazy parties, the Rocky Horror fun and the times you've been there when I jsut needed a friend to help me throw beer bottles at the ocean.
Also, and this is a big also my friends, In almost exactly one week on November 23rd, 2005 (I know, RENT, we are so pimp), me and my darling Melissa will be celebrating our 1 year aniversary. Its silly to think back on all we've been through together and think that there was a time I didn't have her in my life. I've cried, i've been filled with joy, i've run such a gambit of emotion in the past year and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. This has been the best time of my life, even with all the hardships and pains I've had to endure, Melissa has been there every time I've needed her, with a loving hug/kiss and an open ear/heart. I wish I could shower her in presents everyday. She is the most amazing person I know, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and so fu.ll of energy. I have never actually met someoen who could control the mood of a room like there was a switch on the wall until now.
Melissa, I love you so much and I look forward to the next year together and many more after that. I can't beleive I have found you and I don't plan on giving you up any time soon.
Finally, I will leave you saying thwat there will be many more posts to come because i'm starting my webcomic fun time again, so soon there will be Silly Bubble Theatre on your computer, so stay tuned>
~Brandon is sweaty, yet oh so happy~