Fight For Your Right!

Mar 29, 2006 23:52


since you were all dying of curiosity...

we came in 4th place tonight at team trivia. bah!! there were 6 teams, but we ended up 21 points behind the 3rd place team! how bad is that?!?! see? if all you people from westminster had come down to visit and join us maybe we would have kicked some butt! i expect to see like 30 people show up next wednesday! grr! *menacing face here*

oh, and for a little tidbit of the fun... answer this question...

what beastie boys song was the first to make the top ten??

*hint hint* see the subject of this post!

haha, yeah that was cheap, lets try a toughie... and no googling the answer, cheaters!

who was the creator of james bond?
or how bout, how long did rip van winkle sleep??

you can get back to me on that, night now!
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