Stolen from
simtopi :
Give me one of the characters from my story and I will tell you:
* How I feel about this character
* All the people I ship romantically with this character
* My non-romantic OTP for this character
* My unpopular opinion about this character
* One thing that will happen to this character in the future of my story.
Tagging anyone who feels
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* I love Florian and I'm glad people enjoy him. I feel a little guilty about not writing him more. He does have interesting misadventures, but the problem is that he doesn't tell me the details (as a writer, you know what I mean by that). "I bred rabbits in Seoth's bar." He doesn't tell me how he did it or why, just that it did happen. So I suppose he frustrates me in that sense, but I still love him to bits.
* Really I have trouble seeing him with anyone but Thetis. Maybe Holladrin if both Thetis and Octavius were out of the picture, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Florian and Thetis have a certain destiny factor.
* Hmm. Probably either Falidor or Octavius. Maybe Electra if she'd lived longer.
* Basically what I said in the first point. I slip him into posts when I can, but unfortunately I can't see another Florian-centric storyline approaching at any startling pace :(
* Hmmmm. I haven't really planned that far ahead yet. I suppose he'll just continue on with his Florian-esque existence until some event rocks his world.
* I love him but he makes me feel like a bitch for torturing him, what with those sad puppy eyes and the way he's always getting pushed around. Poor baby :(
* Sparron and Lettie (but not together).
* Good question. Trying to think of who he interacts with outside his family and love interests. Maybe it's just one of his brothers. Or maybe his dad.
* I do think he pushes Sparron's comfort zone a little more than he should, even though he doesn't mean to do it. Then again, I don't know how he can go about not doing that without being himself.
* He's definitely in for more heartbreak, but I do think the ball is changing courts.
Aaaand since I'm procrastinating right now, I'll do Sparron too:
* Again--love him, feel bad for what I'm doing to him. But sadly, he does a lot of it to himself :(
* Just Searle.
* Camaline.
* Honestly? I don't think he will ever get better. He's not going to stop hating himself and he'll be battling dark moods for the rest of his life. He's going to become more withdrawn, push more people away. He could very well die alone :(
* I can't say too much in the interests of keeping this spoiler-free, but suffice to say that things aren't going to pick up. He's soon going to learn something that will both scare and anger him.
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