-M.y F.i.r.s.t D.a.y O.f M.y S.e.n.i.o.r Y.e.a.r-

Aug 04, 2005 00:16

Hey..today was a pretty fun day..Me,Shakeithra,and Tierra stayed the night with Pap cause it would be our last night to spend the night...then we got up at like 12...Me and Shakeithra went to her house and layed in the sun and just talked about a lot of stuff...I mean we talked about how school was going to be fun..then Tierra came down..we picked out Shakeithra's out-fit for the first day..then we went back to my house..then we went to the Dollar Store...we saw Mr.Adams...then we went to Wal-Mart with Shakeithra's step-dad -Zach-...we had so much fun....then we went back to her house and she done our nails and toe-nails...just talked and stuff...OMG..school is in like 7 hours...i'm freakin' out..I can't believe our Summer-Vacation is over..can you believe it???..I can't..well i'm going to update tomorrow after I get back from Shakeithras...were going to lay in the sun again...well later!

omg..i'm a senior..and summer-vacation i

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