Dec 23, 2011 12:02
On a whim today, I decided to queu up in LFR -- Looking For Raid. I wound up in Dragon Soul, the Deathwing raid.
I raided for a few months back in Burning Crusade, before I lost my internet connection. We got to Magtheridon by the time I had to cancel my subscription. I tried to be as helpful as I could: watching videos, farming mats for buff food, running heroics to help gear up. I followed instructions; I spoke up when I didn't understand anything; I didn't trash other people's performances. I had more than one then-guildmate whisper me to say they were impressed with how I behaved and my efforts.
When I was able to come back seven months later, the guild had imploded in a nasty way. I took the time to reevaluate. I had enjoyed raiding, but what started out as two-night commitment turned into a three. Then a four. Finally a five. The time spent raiding was causing a lot of stress, and more than a few fights with my family. People had begun to leave the guild for more progressed guilds, and that had depressed me. After a week or so, I decided to stop playing that toon, pick up another, and try something different.
In Wrath I did heroics. A few trash runs near the end of the expansion. The ICC 5 mans were tough enough I didn't want to try to PuG the Lich King. Cataclysm comes around, and I get into a few "alt runs" with guild members. That's about it for raiding.
Then Blizzard introduces the LFR tool. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth: it's too easy, the gear's too bad, it'll distract/diminish/demean normal and heroic raids. The claims that people wanted to use LFR to see content they couldn't otherwise was sneered at.
Fuck those epeen-wavers for a joke.
We wiped three times, the first two because the encounter was started without full heals. (I found out after the second we were down five people nearly the entire fight.) The third time we had full heals, full dps.
And we killed Deathwing.
I have never, ever killed an endgame boss while it was current. I will never kill an endgame boss on normal or heroic: I don't want to deal with the stress and drama of raiding. That's not my idea of fun.
Being able to see the end of the expansion's storyline is.
That is why LFR was implemented. Everyone pissing and moaning about devalued gear or devalued experience are kindly invited to shut the fuck up.