Nov 26, 2008 12:44
In America, children used to go around begging in disguise at Thanksgiving time.
The turkey was a New World bird, discovered by the Spanish conquistadores about 1518. Some say it got its name because it seemed exotic, the way Turkey seemed exotic to Europeans of that time.
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a Thanksgiving holiday on the last Thursday in Noveberm. Franklin Delano Roosevelt changed it to the next-to-last Thursday.
The first Thanksgiving was in 1621, when the smell of roasting turkeys drew ninety friendly Indians to share in the settlers' harvest celebration. The fifty-five English participants inclued only four women, who did all the cooking.
Alfred Nobel's will establishes the Nobel Foundation, 1896.
*Yes, I know today is Wednesday, but I won't have computer accces tomorrow.
book of days,