Delusions of a One Night Stand

Aug 15, 2013 15:55

Title: Delusions of a One Night Stand
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Chansung/Taecyeon
Summary: It was just one night, one night that they gave in to their guilty pleasures. It meant nothing... Right?
Author's Notes: sloppy drabble is sloppy.

Everything was loud and Taecyeon could feel the bass inside his chest, beating along with his heart. Colourful lights swirled and his vision, already blurred by the alcohol, dizzied him. He occasionally leaned on some of the other members and they laughed at how neither of them could stand properly on their own two feet. The club was starting to get packed and bodies moved closer and closer to one another. The boys didn't mind, seeing as how they once shared a small dorm together and things were already cramped.

With the movements starting to be carried out by the music, the group began to grind and sway with whatever was standing near them. For Taecyeon, Chansung happened to be the closest as the maknae shook his body side to side. He gave a smile in response when he felt the older male brush up against him, giving him the signal that what he was doing was alright. Some of the other members had split off and were dancing with girls.

It was nice where they were. No one really knew them so they were able to just do their own thing without being judged or hassled by fans. No one was trying to butt in so they could dance with their favourite “oppa”. It was relaxed yet exciting.

Taecyeon moved his hands without thinking, his thin fingers slipping over the youngest member's hips and holding them close. Maybe it was because Chansung didn't seem to mind that the more he rocked his body, the closer the other male got. A deep groan vibrated in Taecyeon's throat as the maknae's butt rubbed against his crotch. It could've been the fact that he hadn't gotten laid in months, or the alcohol, or the moment. Maybe it was all those things but the second Chansung started to grind that large round ass against Taecyeon's tight pants, he lost it.

His arms wrapped around the thicker member's waist and the two rocked their bodies to the beat of the music. Taecyeon knew it was obvious that the maknae could feel the large bulge poking his backside but he didn't seem to mind, grinding against it harder. He began to realize that Chansung was no longer dancing with the music, but teasing the throbbing length inside his pants. Taecyeon glanced up and saw the look he was given before hauling the maknae out of the crowd and told their manager they were heading back to the room.

Taecyeon was more than grateful to have their hotel just up the street as he wasn't even sure he'd make it that far. Chansung groped him in the elevator, throwing the older male to the wall and massaging him through his pants. Being alone, the thin male moaned loudly with a deep grunt, gripping onto the maknae's arm when their lips connected.

The key card was rammed into the slot and that's when everything became a mess. Clothing was thrown onto the floor and Taecyeon was thrown onto his back. The two boys fought for the position even though they knew who was going to give and receive. Taecyeon had finally succeeded in pinning the maknae onto his stomach, hastily ripping his belt open and tugging down Chansung's pants. His mind too hazy from the alcohol, the older member used his saliva before penetrating the maknae. Two loud moans echoed the hotel room before Taecyeon began his heavy thrusting.

Chansung groaned as he sat up the next morning, rubbing his lower back as it ached. “This'll make for fun dancing...” His eyes rolled as he left Taecyeon in the bed next to him, sleeping peacefully.

The tall male ran once he had gotten out of the car, making his way through the corridor before stopping once he had reached the room, panting softly. “S-sorry I'm late.”

The dance instructor waved it off, knowing that the night previous was their time off even though they all knew they had schedules in the morning. Taecyeon got into his position and the group began into their routines.

“Hey, why didn't you wake me?” he nudged Chansung as he passed the younger male, who shrugged his shoulders in response. The older member blinked in surprise before shrugging his own shoulders and getting back into the dance.

Not that Taecyeon had expected anything after that one wild night that had just happened to take place, but he noticed the maknae not talking to him at all.'Did I hurt him? Was I too rough..? Oh my god...' he suddenly panicked, 'Maybe Chansung didn't actually want to...'

Now with fear struck in his mind, he approached the younger male to talk to him privately, which Chansung seemed to scowl at.

“H-hey, is everything alright?”

The maknae shot him a glare, something he wasn't expecting, “Just because I let you fuck me last night, doesn't mean we have to be friendly.”

Chansung left the older male feeling dumb-founded. Wooyoung waved his hand in front of Taecyeon's face five minutes later, “Hello? Earth to hyung.”

Taecyeon couldn't believe it. Where had the giddy, childish maknae gone that he had always known? He cursed, hating that the alcohol had blurred out some of his memories of that night. Had he hurt Chansung to the point where the maknae didn't even want to talk to him anymore? He seemed to be fine with the other members, or so he observed.

Feelings became more tense and Chansung bluntly voiced his discomfort for being paired with Taecyeon to their manager. Between their travelling of Japan and Korea, many disagreements were starting to happen. Taecyeon found himself defenceless under the maknae's attacks. Chansung would randomly start arguments and throw things at the older male when he hadn't done anything at all. The other members had hid in their rooms to avoid the commotion, some trying to help defend Taecyeon until the maknae raised his hand at them.

“This has got to stop,” Taecyeon stated the obvious while the group sat in the living room, sans the maknae.

“How are we going to do that? Chansung is out of control. How are we supposed to get him to listen?” Nichkhun sighed while shaking his head.

Taecyeon bit into his lip once the question was thrown out there and he glanced at Junho, the younger male staring back at him with worry in his eyes, “What happened between you two?”

The rest of the group was dying to know as well but he couldn't just blurt it out. He felt nervous and scared already. He knew they'd be asking him things like if he had accidentally hurt Chansung or some other question that he couldn't possibly know the answer to. “I was drunk,” he started off saying, hoping they'd take a bit more pity on him, “Chansung and I... Went back into the room and-”

“I knew it!” Wooyoung jumped up and shouted, holding a smile on his lips for some reason that perplexed Taecyeon. “Pay up!” the younger male held his hand out to Nichkhun and Minjun.

“W-what's going on?”

Junho sighed and shook his head, “These idiots had a bet that you going were going to have sex since you disappeared so early that night..”

Taecyeon's eyes widened, “You mean you guys aren't disgusted?”

The members all gave small shrugs, looking away like they were guilty of something. “We've all kind of.. Done something with each other. We just haven't said anything,” Nichkhun confessed.

The tall male breathed a sigh of relief, finding one problem solved. “Well this makes me somewhat relieved...”

The group discussed what possible outcomes they could come up with for the crazy maknae. The best one they had was that the youngest would have to attend some rehab to find himself again. None of them knew where this pent up rage came from but maybe some time away would help him. They approached their manager with this thought but the older male shook his head sadly. “I'm sorry to tell you this... But Chansung has dropped out of the group.”

Taecyeon could feel his head reeling, almost knocking him out as he fell back against the wall. What was going on? One night of clubbing then sex had lead to this? Sure, he had found it odd that Chansung had even gone along with it but this? His vision began to fade out and Taecyeon dropped to the floor.



Jolting awake, Taecyeon quickly sat up and looked around. “Hyung, is everything okay? Did you have a bad dream.. Or a good one?”

He looked down to see Chansung laying next to him in bed, shirtless and looking rather sleepy. The maknae blinked, waiting for a response. “A-a dream?” He looked around the room, noticing it was the hotel room they had spent the night in, the same room where the whole nightmare had started.

“Are you still drunk? I had to carry you back here when you were stumbling around, then you threw up on me...” Chansung sighed, laying his head on the pillow. “Go to sleep, we have schedules tomorrow and I won't be late because of you.”

“C-Chansung,” Taecyeon bit into his lip, staring down at the younger male. “Did we have sex?”

The maknae's eyes ballooned before laughing loudly, “Is that what you dreamed about? Hyung, I didn't think you were into guys... Guess I have a lot to still learn about you.” A chuckled sigh left Chansung as he closed his eyes, “Hyung, go take care of that then come sleep.”

Taecyeon looked down at his lap, seeing a rather large bump. He smiled, relief washing over him as he realized everything was all a dream, a horrible nightmare. Flopping back down, he wrapped his arms around Chansung, earning groans of protest.

“Hyung! Stop, it's poking me!”

The older male only smiled while he kept Chansung in a tight grip, closing his eyes and falling asleep with ease.

rating: pg-15, pairing: chansung/taecyeon

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