Jul 10, 2008 01:37
I've perfected the art of living out of a suitcase. But once again, just as I get used to something, it's already time for a change.
My time in The City Of Angels has been bittersweet. It started off really exciting, and I knew I was going to have a good time. Don't get me wrong, I still love it out here. But do I love it here because everybody else (one boy in specific*) does? Because it's my first time in California and I'm blind to all it's imperfections? Or do I love it out here because I think it's truly beautiful and such a unique city? I haven't had much time to explore the rest of California, just LA and the cities surrounding it. We went to San Diego today, but other than that, I've only seen LA, Hollywood, some of Beverly Hills, and Venice Beach. I've wanted to see the sights, but I can't help but feel bad because I know that Tyson doesn't like sight-seeing. But what do you expect me to do when I've never been out here? Sit in the apartment and veg out? I like to go out and explore...forgive me if I like to see places I've heard a lot about. The San Diego Zoo was awesome, but I didn't get to see the two things in which I was most excited for: A panda, and the sea lion show. The line into the panda viewing place was mad long and Tyson didn't want to wait in it. Granted, I could have waited in it myself, but would it really have hurt to have waited with me, instead of sitting on a bench while I waited by myself? I did, however, get to see a panda from the exit of the viewing place. That was cool. But I would have rather seen one closer. Oh well, maybe next time. We didn't go to the show because of two reasons: 1. The first show was at three, and by the time I remembered it, we had five minutes to make a 15 minute walk. 2. The second show was at fie, and by the time we had seen all the animals, it was 4:30, Tyson was cranky (as to he really didn't want to go in the first place), and he just wanted to leave. I begged but seeing as though he had already told me I was mildly annoying this trip, I didn't want to push it.
*Have you ever held somebody so high up that whatever they like, you like? Whatever they do, you want to do? I'm thinking this maybe the part of my problem. (Shaddup, Terror, I know what you're going to say.)
But anyways, I'm a little glad to see this trip come to an end. With me constantly wanting to get out of the apartment, and Tyson having to drive me places, I think it's putting a lot of stress on what we have. I mean, we're dating, but not going out. Does that make sense? I don't want him to tell me at the airport that as fun as this trip has been, he doesn't think it will work out between the two of us. God, I'm afraid that will happen. He doesn't like this city and he doesn't like going to touristy places.
On a side note, I had no idea that 'touristy' was a word. Spell check on this Mac just fixed my spelling on it. Weird.
Sigh. But anyways, I've been texting my friend who is wise beyond her years (thanks again), and she's been helping me through this. So he doesn't like to go out to crowded, tourist spots. He wants to relax, chill out and play his guitar. So I figure, why not go to a park? He can play his guitar, and I can be outside. This went over very well. So I suggested the following time that we have a picnic in the park nearby so he can, once again, play his guitar and I can be outside. He got home from work around six and had to take a test online for his online class. He got done at 7:30, and it gets dark around 8 here. So the picnic was out of the idea. We didn't do anything that day. I didn't get to go out of the house because his sister was to home to drop me off someplace, and he was working all day. You may be asking yourself, "But Ashley, couldn't you drop him off at work and borrow his car?" So I'll answer you. No. I cannot drive stick. Although he did try to teach me the other night. It didn't go over so well, I was awful. He got annoyed and made me feel awful for failing. I yelled at him for that. So, in conclusion, I'm not sure if it's this city that's putting stress on our blossoming relationship, or whatever this is, or if it's me that's making this stressful. You learn a lot about somebody when you're holed up in an apartment with them for twelve days straight. But as I told him tonight, I don't know anybody out in California that I can hang out with. Granted, I know four boys, but none of them would hang out with me. Not to mention that now they are currently back on tour.
Yes, I am talking about Alex, Jeff, Darren and Sam. Speaking of them, I can't help but constantly compare Tyson to Alex. And not in that creepy, obsessed way. I just find myself comparing the qualities I like in Alex to those in Tyson. Such as: Alex is ridiculous and spontaneous. He reminds me a lot of myself. Saying stupid stuff just to make other people laugh. Tyson is adventurous, sure, but not spontaneous like Alex. I feel stupid if I say silly things to make Tyson laugh. He doesn't find "HADOUKEN!" funny. I guess just overall...that night that I spent with Alex and the boys, I can't get it out of my head. I guess maybe I'm finding out that I need a boy who's the male version of me. But then again, maybe that's exactly what I can't handle.
As I type this up, Tyson's asleep in the other room. Not next to me. On this awful, uncomfortable, lumpy sofa-bed. But still, as back-breaking as it is, it's so much more comfortable when there's a boy to snuggle next to. Not to mention that I hate sleeping alone. This is my second night alone.
Dear Alex Greenwald,
I can't want to see you in August. I need some of your ridiculous antics back in my life.
Sincerely, Ashley Rockett.