Apr 30, 2006 21:31
ahhhhhh omg so i guess god hates me or somthing
so was gonna see the b dog this weekend aka bridget, but b4 i saw her i had to see my aussie friend kuz he only come here once in like 2903489032 years. anyway i wnet to his house and its abotu time to go so i wipe out my celly and the god damn thing has no service, so then i pick up the hosue phone and thta bitch is dead, and his god damn rents werent home.
so i think god hates me or somthing kuz that was such a freak crazy incedent i think it shoudl go down in the books and " crazyest friggin thing ever"
so i didnt see bridget and it sucked
at least i will see a shit load of peopel on the 13th