Apr 28, 2012 13:05
This teaching this is hard work.
I get to the end of every week thinking "Yes! I've got through the week; I had some good lessons, I had some ok lessons and I had some lessons I'd rather forget about! I worked till 11 every night and now finally I can relax!"
Oh wait...I can't. It's just relentless because now i have to prepare for next week! As well as do some silly assignment on making a scheme of work for a series of lessons I will never teach! Bah!
I do deep down enjoy teaching, otherwise I truly think I would have quit by now. It's a horrible profession, where kids treat you like crap, refuse to do anything, swear at you, ignore you; you are constantly being assessed and monitored and never good enough; it's normal (as I have been told many times) to spend your lunch time crying or get home and burst into tears; you never stop working, weekends, evenings, holidays are spent working and parents would much rather believe their little darling would never tell me to fuck off but if they did then I must have done something terrible to cause it, and while we are on that note why isn't their little darling getting the grades? What am I going to do about that?
It's just horrid but then occasionally you have a bit of fun in a lesson, the kids do what you want them to do and they have all achieved and progressed. And you forget about all that crappy stuff just to see a room full of potential.
It's a strange profession, I'm not sure how long I will stay in it because I will burn out at this rate but I hope I get the chance to be a teacher for a good few years before I move on and get back into learning myself.
not procrastinating,
explodey head,