Jan 25, 2011 17:18
The time for procrastination is over, I have 2 weeks left to do the introduction to my final year project and three weeks before my presentation for my project. My project supervisor asked me today how it was coming along and I must have pulled a "don't ask me that I've not done anything yet" face because he went "ok well I've got my answer there". It felt like I'd not done my homework at school and he was very disappointed with me, oopsie. So this evening I'm going to read over some stuff and hopefully give myself an idea of what I'm actually going to write, it needs to be around 4000-5000 words, which is a good chunk of information just for an introduction. I'm pretty certain I've given myself enough time, but I have entered mild panic mode a little earlier than I anticipated. What with lab work, lectures, introductions to write, presentations to prepare, ballet exams to prepare for, applying for a PGCE, I'm beginning to think my friend's philosophy of sleep is wasted time is a good idea! I like sleep way too much though for that to happen though...
But anyway, before I get down to all that hard work I have something of much greater importance to do first....working out my project supervisor's middle names!
It is totally way more important and not procrastination at all! I noticed he put his middle initials on his lecture notes, HF, which I thought was an odd combination so said that out loud before I realised, and he asked me to guess. So, since he is Scottish I'm on the hunt for the most Scottish sounding names I can find, so far Hamish Ferguson is winning.
not procrastinating,
uni work