Yeah, I thought it would be released later too, but I do want to find out what happens. I don't want it to be the end though, because even though I love to read, I have NEVER looked morer forward to any other books before. They're amazing.
I can't imagine life without the anticipation of a Potter book... I've been reading them since the 4th grade, and just.. gah. It's been the only constant in my life, and I don't know what I'm going to do.
They're setting up a sort of help line for after 7.21.07, sooo I think I'm gonna have to look into that.
Yeah I'm hoping that somehow the series continues outside the school or something. I just fon't understand how everything could go down in the final book, you know?
I think someone say that Jo is going to leave somethings open... so that there can always be speculation and discussion about the book, while still closing up the main points and plots in the book.
I still can't believe it... I'm so excited and afraid at the same time.
They're setting up a sort of help line for after 7.21.07, sooo I think I'm gonna have to look into that.
I still can't believe it... I'm so excited and afraid at the same time.
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