
Jul 05, 2011 02:14

Title: Forever
Pairing: Matsumoto Jun/Aiba Masaki
Author: dino_rawr122
Summary: Matsujun decides to take Aiba out for a date. It's been a while since they could go out together and enjoy such a beautiful night like this.
Disclaimer: Own nothing yo~!! D: Just this mind of mine~
Notes: Made for my wifey, syri_chii cause she requested a certain kind of fic xD I can't say what kind cause its gonna spoil the fic DD: Also, I played around with the style for this~! I used third POV, but then I would switch it to Matsujun's POV~

You were there for me when I needed you most. We've been through a lot together. More than ten years together as friends and now almost five years as lovers.

The young man rubbed his face and opened his eyes. He waited for his vision to adjust to the bright room he occupied. He looked around his living room, hearing whatever noises were coming from the television. His eyes glanced over his clock and found it was merely four in the afternoon. He felt something warm lying on his chest and looked down. A smile crept on his lips.

I remembered when we first met. A young boy, charming face, and had a cute toothy smile. Then there are your eyes. Your eyes were round and filled with innocent thoughts. Now look at you. You're all grown up. You still have that charming face and your eyes still shine. Your smile is brighter and I'm still attracted to you since the very start, though you grew a bit more of a pervert to be honest. Well, a cute, cheerful pervert at least.

He brushed the figure's bangs away from his face and listened to his soft breathing. Their legs were tangled around each other and arms wrapped around one another. Jun cupped the man's face, admiring that beauty once again. His thumb rubbed the latter's cheek gently and brushed their lips together. He paused for a moment, seeing the man next to him slightly squirming. Matsujun looked up and found the figure slowly opening his eyes. They made eye contact and the older man couldn't help but smile and blush at his lover's stare.

"Mou, Jun-kun...I was sleeping~~~!" The man whined and rubbed his face into Matsujun's chest.

Jun simply laughed. He loved sharing these simple, yet loving moments.

"I couldn't help it Aiba," Jun played with his lover's hands and laced their fingers together. They stayed at that position for a while. Aiba laying his head on Jun and Jun stroking Aiba's soft, black hair. It wasn't everyday they could be together like this. With filming, photo-shoots, interviews and a never ending list of things to do; it's always hard to be committed to a relationship, especially when someone has a job in the entertainment business. Luckily, Aiba and Jun had a special chemistry together.

They'd text each other randomly if they couldn't see one another anytime soon. During breaks, they made time to ask how the latter was doing and made plans to hopefully meet up after their projects. The little things they did for one another, they loved it the most.

Aiba stared at his boyfriend who, in return, was staring off into the distance with a slightly weird smile on his face. He poked the younger's man cheek and brought him back to reality.

"Huh? What is it Aiba?"

"I should be the one to ask you that! You were looking like some weirdo daydreaming and smiling all funny!" He giggled as his lover hugged him even tighter.

There was a slight pause, the couple smiling and happy to be caught in one another's arms. Jun cleared his throat and said, "Ne, Aiba... Wanna go eat out tonight?" The older man nodded and stayed in his position a little longer before deciding to get ready for the date he had with Jun.

Whenever I feel the butterflies in my stomach before a performance, seeing you and seeing you mouth the words, "Gambatte!" it all makes me feel at ease.

"Jun?" Matsujun was staring at his nearly finished pasta in front of him. He blinked and looked up at Aiba who was across from him.

"Huh? Oh sorry," he chuckled, "I was just thinking about something. That's all."

Aiba smiled and laughed a little, "What's with you? You've been so out of it since earlier today!" The older man took another mouth full of his food and Jun couldn't help but grin at his lover's actions.

They left the restaurant, thanking the owner for the always wonderful food and service. They were walking outside, enjoying the breeze and smell of food that escaped through the open windows of restaurants and linger in the air. Aiba leaned against Matsujun's arm. Jun gave a quick kiss on Aiba's head and intertwined their fingers together. They continued walking like that as they walked down the streets filled with both the moon's light and the city lights that surrounded them.

"Jun?" Aiba looked back as he noticed they passed the younger man's car. "Where are you going? The car is back there."

"I know, I walk around a little more. C'mon Aiba, it’s not every day we get to go out at night right?"

Aiba agreed to the man's plan; however he was still curious about Jun's behavior since earlier that day. He pushed the worrisome thoughts away and trusted Matsujun. He did love all the attention he was getting from the younger man after all.

I feel like I can act like a complete idiot with you. I can show you the side of me no one else but you has seen. Your aura, your personality, your smile, your hoarse voice, your easily high tension self, your fluffy hair... just everything. I get to do things around you that no one would think that the Matsumoto Jun would do.

The couple continued to walk around the city, cars and people walking past them. No one knew they just passed by some of Japan's famous idols. Before Aiba noticed, Tokyo Tower was right in front of him, marvelous lighting the sky.

Remember the first time you confessed to me Aiba? It was one of the cutest things you've ever done. We walked together that night, just like this, and you pulled me into the side. A place where no one could see the two of us. You were fidgeting with your fingers and avoided eye-contact with me.

"Jun?" Jun was still holding on Aiba's hand as he looked up at the monument in front of him.

Your voice was quiet and eyes staring straight down to the floor.

He faced the older man and wrapped his arms around that slender body. He rubbed his face into the man's neck, breathing in his soothing aroma.

Your words stumbled a little as you told me, "I like you Jun. Can we go out?" To tell you the truth I was scared at first.

Aiba giggled softly, hands holding on to the latter's jacket. "Juuunnn~" He sang his lover's name.

I was scared that I might ruin the wonderful friendship we had. We've had our arguments and tense moments, but we were always able to fix things and forgive each other. I want to continue living like that with you, going through both the bad and good times together.

Jun took a step back, eyes staring into Aiba's round brown orbs. The way the light hit part of Aiba's face, it made him look even more charming.

Five years ago you told me something so hard to say to someone.

He reached for the older man's hand and began to kneel down.


Five years later, I'm saying something just as hard. Going through the same nervousness, the same stress, and the fast heartbeats just like you.

"Aiba, I love you and you know that."

The man before him was in shocked and didn't know how to react to the words that came out of Jun’s mouth.

"I want to have a pet with you, I want be energetic and stupid with you, I want to be with you."

Jun saw the latter's eyes were getting teary.

"Will you....." Heart racing, face warm, he held the older man's hand tighter. "....marry me?"

He reached into his pocket, revealing a simple yet beautiful silver ring. He stood up and slid the ring through the other’s finger.

Aiba was frozen, overwhelmed with so many emotions. His eyes were slowly over flooding with tears of happiness s as they gazed around the object that wrapped around his finger.

"O-Of course, Jun-chan! " he choked on his words.

Jun smiled and wrapped his arms around the man's waist and wiped the tears that slid down Aiba's cheek. The older man didn't know what to say but continued to smile and look at Jun. The younger man cupped the latter's face and gently pressed their lips together.

Aiba Masaki, I love you. You mean so much to me and I hope this proposal shows all the love I have for you and will continue to have for you until I die. Let’s both open up this new chapter in our lives.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! this one too..I liked how it came out xDD Playing with differet styles is fun/interesting -nodds-

So, now I have a random question. How would you like to get proposed/how you you propose to someone? :D

As always...made for my Ate Aya!♥ Go thank her for making me post these fics and motivating me to finishing them LOL

Sorry for any weird sentences and horrendous grammarrrr~~!

Hope you guys enjoyed! I think I have a fic or two to post left!

fic: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun

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