Feb 21, 2004 21:51

Friday!!!!!! wooo lol i love fridays. Saw bf today. at school as well as alot of other people. took pic of brandon and tj. hah luv u 2!!!
After School~
called veronika. She came over. Hung out. SPent the night.
Last NIght(fridaynight)
Well tonight Kellen was here. We had pizza. Mmmmm... veronika and I went upstairs we talked to tj and steven on the phone for like 2 and a half hours. Fun. Veronika talked to dylan 2. It was really awesome. We also played this lord of the rings game.. it was funny... cuz we just started playing...we screamed when the spiders cam out

We had to wake up @ 830!!!! uGH SOCCER scrimmage in camarillo. it started to rain... veronika had sum guyz unbrellla i kept looking over at her and laughing.When we first got at the feild.. i was sitting in the driver seat.. and we turned the music up full blast and i was rockin out turning the steering wheel this and and that . Fun... i was crazy. On the way back and there veronika and i were laughin SOOO much.. and singing.. and pretend driving the whole pretend steering wheel, turning signals.. looking both ways.. and gas and brake petal. ( if you havent noticed we are extremly odd )
When we came home we did alot of stuff... odd stuff.. cool stuff... good times.. good times...
veronika is spending the night 2 nite too..
ohh yeah steven and tj i called you both and you both werent home. call me back!!!
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