Hey all,
I'm posting to mark out for an awesome website that you should have heard of by now.
It's called www.threadless.com
It's all user submitted designs and slogans for shirts that are sold for generally $12 to $15 a pop. Also, you vote for shirts and slogans to make them become a reality. If your designs/slogans get chosen to be made into shirts, you can get anywhere from $200 to $2000(!)!!
Not only that, but it acts as a blog and catalogue for a number of other sites you may or may not be a member to (ie. Myspace) so that people can go to one convienient place to find all kind of your crap!
I urge you all to join the site and start having fun. My Threadless name is DinnertimeNinja, and first slogan I just submitted off the top of my head was "If you can read this, I probably should have come up with a joke." If you would be so kind, please go to my profile on it, and vote "I'd buy it" for that (and any other) slogans and maybe they'll get made into shirts! I might even give out free Threadless shirts to people who voted for me if it gets made!
Keep me updated on your stuff, too so I can return the favor.
Oh, and if you plan on buying a shirt from the site, do me a favor and go through this link
http://www.threadless.com?streetteam=DinnertimeNinja and I'll get some free shirt money.
I'm off to go vote for more shirts!