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pssstoasti went to the doctor yesterday and the outcome wasn't quite what i wanted. She thinks there is a chance that the MS has moved farther down my spine. JUST GREAT. 2 weeks before i move i have to deal with this stress. I was going to post pictures of my last scan of my brain and my c-spine. but after looking at them i decided to keep them private for now. They are hard for me to look knowing how much those stupid white spots have changed my life. I also found the copy of the last Optic Nerve. I really shouldnt keep the pictures on my computer.
So today i go in and have my brain and c-spine done ( ugh 2 hours) in the cold stupid room. ( for those that haven't gotten an MRI, they stick you in to this tube, torment if your bigger then a size 6. and then the buzzing starts and as soon as your use to it, they stop shot you full of dye that makes you sick and then the whole thing starts over. Yup fun times)
then Monday i will have the Thoracic and Lumbar spine done. another 2 hour procedure. This is a new procedure for me. So i'm not sure what its going to be like.
EDIT : to add that they might do another dose of steriods, to help things out. those are three days of 3 hour infusions. not so fun but i will admit i did feel much better after i had it done last time ( it was just a few days after my gallbladder surgery)