Aug 27, 2005 16:30
soo me and sean did go runnin AND I WAS the tiredest person ever!!! then i went home and moms bf came over for dinner! then talked to sean and fell asleep.
friday-had work. it was seans last day he brought all the girls in the office roses. lol it was sooo cute. then me him and the boss went out to lunch at a chinese resteraunt by oxfrod valley for the boss's bday. then i had to leave, but i came bak to work at 5 top pick sean up and we headed to my g-pops. i hAVENT SEEn him in almost a yr..and i missed me and sean went over there for like 3 hrs. then we went bak to seans and he got ready for dinner. then we went out to apple bees. lol we got ASOOOO MUCH food once again.
after, we went bak to my house and i got a shower and gor changed. then we went bak to his house at like 11 and he had ppl over. then at like 2 we went bak to my house and slept there.
sunday i woke up early to go to the track with poppy.. then i came home and sean was still i went bak to sleep with him till like 12. then we got up and got packed for the shore. we headed down around 2. we got there, had dinner and headed to the boardwalk for the night. lol we had soo much fun, got a bunch of matchin bracelets and ankle then we went bak to his house and watched a movie with his fam and went to bed.
then we woke up, and we were gonna go out on the boat.. but the tide went out too fast, soo we jus went quadding. lol it was soo much fun. then we came home, got showers and had dinner. then i did my hair and jus went upstairs and watched movies with his fam again. then we had a family poker night. lol -- then me and sean jus sat on his deck and drank rasberry vodka and started tellin scary stories cuz it was like really scary outside. well we got really scared and ran in the house. hahaha, then jus went upstairs and watched tv then went to bed at like 4.
monday we got up at like 12. jus laid arond all day, got a shower and headed home cuz i had cheer. i went to cheer then after picked up waterice and went over seans till like 12. we watched laguna beahc! :-) and my sweet 16. then i went home and pakced for camp and went to bed.
tuesday- picked up tina and headed to ryan. my mom drove us to camp (in the poconos). lol it was the funniest ride. she went like 100 the whole way. but camp was alota fun. i went nuts the whollleee time. lol the team didnt really get that crazy till the last night. but campp was hardcore. cheerin like all hours of the day(after breakfast) till bout 10 o clock at night. and only 2 breaks, lunch and dinner. it was nuts. but def a good workout.
then the last day, kims dad picked us up anbd headed home. i got home and my mom got me like this new thing for the bak of my bed (cuz i had likw hite shelfs that attached to the bak of my bed), and she got me like a new one, but its bigger and reallly reallly nice. and she got me a new bed. its soo high, and the mattress is UNBELIVABLY comfy. u like sink in it. it has like memory or sumtin of where u lay, and ur body stays like imprinted. omgggg its soooo comfy!
but i got a shower, and sean came over. he was over for a wihle then we went bak to his house and he packed. then we picked up pizza and came home and me him and mom had pizza. then we wnet to blockbuster and rented a scary ass movie. lol sean never really gets scared..and he was like crying. at one point we had to stop the movie and like go upstairs cuz we were soo scared. lol and no1 was home which was worse. but my mom and her bf came home around like 1..and we sat upstairs and talked to them till like 2. then went bak down, finished the movie and then wathced white chicks after. lol that movie was SOO FUNNY.
then we went upstairs, got food.. pigged out alil and didnt go to sleep till 7 am. and sean had to wake up at like 930 and go down the shore cuz he has hockey camp tomorro in atlantic city.
sooo i went bak to sleep till like 4. hahahaa. it was soo amazing. my bed is soo comfy!!! but now i dono wuts goin on cuz i didnt talk to ne1.. soooo im gonna eat dinner with poppy and figure it out! <3
laterr ♥