Oct 13, 2006 18:39
its almost halloweeen!
whats the best costume youve ever seen / worn for ahlloween?
i remember being a bag of jelly beans as a kid whihc was the most expensive costume my single mom could afford. i think i poked some holes in a clear plastic garbage bag, jumped in and tied it closed around my neck. oh yeah, pop in some junky balloons and viola: dumb kid who hopes people are distracted by te clever concept / pretty colors and overlook his hand-me-down clothes and buck teeth.
also i think my dad made me a pac man costume when i was eight out of cardboard, but we only had old fluorescent poster paint that wasnt opaque so it looked pretty raggedy. i remember being disappointed but it kind of didnt matter because i got a whole plastic jackolantern full of candy a t the end of the night. i hated good n plentys and hersheys dark which is kind of ironic given that as a gay black man, i love chocolate and nuts, and i remember always getting so excited when people gave me full goodie bags (!) and omg how luck was i, an entire snickers bar.
btw, what kind of sick fuck would put a razor blade in an apple / candy bar? did people really even do that or was that an urban elgend? it kind of makes me want to puke and or join neighborhood watch.