Name: Mai
Canon: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Age: Fifteen
Verse: 1
Psychology: On the surface, Mai appears to be emotionless, dispassionate, and apathetic about pretty much everything. She frequently complains of boredom, and doesn't appear to get all that much enjoyment out of anything she does, up to and including spending time with the people who matter most to her (this is evident in both the present timeline of the show and in the flashbacks, and the one exception always seems to be Zuko). As a child, Mai was expected to be the perfect noble's daughter, and as a result, she learned to repress her emotions and keep from drawing attention to herself. She has an excellent poker face on most of the time, and it's quite hard to tell what her emotions actually are, or what she's really thinking. However, this impassive facade hides a surprisingly fierce inner strength-- when something that does really matter to her is threatened, she'll go to great lengths to protect it.
Slash: Sorry, she's all for Zuko. :P
Maim/murder/death: Ask me first!
Kissing: Haha, if you want to try you can go for it. She probably won't be pleased, though.
Hugging: See above.
Badtouch: ... See above-above, and get rid of the "probably".
Threadhopping: Sure, I'm completely fine with it as long as you don't hop into a private conversation (unless your character would logically stumble upon the scene or you ask permission first).
Fourthwalling: I'm taking this on a case-by-case basis, so if you want your character to fourth-wall her, just ask! Given the nature of the game I'll probably say yes, though I won't want her to find out about future canon events.
Backdating: I'll continue any old conversation, no matter how long its been since the last comment (in other words, if you dropped a thread two months ago and now want to continue it, go ahead and I'll reply!). The same goes for replying to old entries- though obviously, I'll backdate any responses. The only exception to this would be if you replied to an entry from before your character was in the game. In that case I'd probably delete the comment because it wouldn't be following continuity. D:
HOW'S MY DRIVING?- Give it to me, bb. Give it to me ~*hard*~.