May 12, 2010 18:15
It's taken most of yesterday and today to get my brain back in gear enough to write in paragraphs.
I do want to thank everyone who makes ConFuzzled so great. Yes, there's the staff listed in the con book, and they've done an excellent job. Some of them have very visible positions, others less so. But there are also a lot of quasi-staff, people without red badges, who put an awful lot of work in to make ConFuzzled what it is. Yagfox is an obvious candidate, as is Badgerguy, our DJs, the panelists, and .. just all of you.
Perhaps before this degenerates into an Oscar(tm) speech, I should point out that there was a good chance I wasn't even going to make it to ConFuzzled this year. A family emergency meant that Ailsa and her mother had to travel out to Brunei the week before the con, and there was a good chance that they'd be delayed coming back; either by the circumstances there, or the ash cloud ... of Doom. Stuck at home attending to cats, work, and Ailsa's work. It was Badger who came to the rescue, fetching con supplies and relaying them northward. As it was the emergency failed to emerge, and it was down to a baggage handling issue in Schiphol that I didn't arrive at the con until about 10pm. Starting the con with a significant sleep deficit wasn't a good plan.
Inevitably a lot of what I deal with at the con is the snags and problems, and I don't get a representative view of how well things are going until after the event. I could treat you to a blow-by-blow transcript of my days but, rather like lifting the head off a sweaty and bilious fursuiter, it would spoil the magic. Anyone who stuck their head around the con-ops door will appreciate that a certain amount of frantic activity underpins the stately progress of the con.
I never did get to socialise much, or go to any of the dances, and Kibble only made a brief appearance for the parade. Next year will be different. Being a lot more familiar with the venue will help.
And I'll definitely be making another trip to the Kathmandu Tandoori (number 13 in your copybooks, class) which served some of the best curry I've had in a very long while, and makes the journey up to Rusholme totally pointless.