This weekend was nuts.
Here's what I have to show for it:
Got to assist in surgery with one of the best surgeons out there. (This one was a gastropexy + splenectomy on a shepherd mix that came in with gastric dilitation volvulus-- aka, bloat). Along with the spleen, we ended up having to remove part of the stomach as well because it had torsed and cut off blood supply to the area, thus causing it to become necrotic. Again, the doc I was working with is amazing and was able to pull this dog through!
For those of you who are unaware, I'm a fashion designer. My specialty: Stuff found around an animal hospital. The surgical mask bikini is part of my winter fashion line-- and before you tell me that it would be better suited in my summer line, remember that I live in Los Angeles where it's 85°F at Christmas time anyway! (This was me after over 24 hours of no sleep... this is precisely what happens. I walked up to the doctor wearing this and he busted out laughing and asked what the hell was wrong with me... I told him, "Everything").
Welcome to my life as of late.
It would be a lie if I said that I didn't love working in the veterinary field. <3